Low participation in school meal and snacking programs has K-12 foodservice operators looking for solutions that meet nutritional guidelines while providing flavorful options. Total lunch participation dipped from a pre-pandemic level of 29.7 million students in 2018 to 28.5 million in 2023, according to the research firm Technomic.1 Lack of time to eat and food quality are key factors in the falloff.1 Although roughly one-third of schools are allocating more time for lunch, nutrition regulations, labor challenges, and rising costs compound these struggles.1

The Good News—And Great Options from The Snack That Smiles Back!®

Over the next two to three years, 56% of operators expect an increase in participation in the National School Lunch Program, and 62% believe participation in the National School Breakfast Program will grow.1 Student-favorite Goldfish® products and recipes can help.

As the #1 cracker brand in households with kids under 12, based on sales,2 Whole Grain Goldfish® Crackers, Pretzels, and Graham varieties offer the quality, convenience, and versatility that K-12 operators need to increase meal and snack program participation. Convenient options like single-serve Whole Grain Goldfish® pouches help operators meet students’ needs for quick and high-quality reimbursable snacks. They can also be part of a reimbursable meal.

These six recipes show how easily Whole Grain Goldfish® can add wholesome variety to the menu and bring smiles to students, parents, and operators.

“Focus on menu ideation and creative recipe ideas that enhance flavor while meeting nutritional guidelines.”

—Technomic, K-12 Multi-Client Study, 2024

1 Technomic, K-12 Multi-Client Study, 2024
2 Circana Panel, Total US – MULO, Dollar and Unit Sales, L52 wks ending 2/18/24